LED Light Therapy – Proximity Trumps Power

Light therapy continues to enjoy greater acceptance and popularity in the medical aesthetic field. As a result, we have seen a plethora of non-regulated devices of unknown origin flooding the market in recent years. While selecting the best LED device for your practice might seem like a daunting task, a little research can go a long way. The most reliable research can be found in peer-reviewed and published studies on low-level light therapy. Be careful of social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram which are certainly fun but not exactly reliable as sources of material when it comes to investigating medical devices and aesthetic protocols.
There are specific and well-proven requirements for effective light therapy starting with the correct wavelengths; blue, red and near-infrared. Optimal energy delivery and treatment parameters are very important, too. However, the significance of device placement and proximity to tissue is one aspect of light therapy which is often misunderstood and rarely explained effectively.
The importance of distance to tissue will be the focus of this month’s LED light therapy column: https://www.dermascope.com/the-led-playbook/12029-led-proximity-trumps-power