Adult acne haunted me for three years; I tried every product on the market. I have had clear skin for a year now; Celluma gave me my life back!”
Carley New York, NY
I LOVE Celluma! One of my favorite necessities to my treatment room! I have clients with acne and Celluma helped rid and smooth out the texture.“
Elyse Helene L.E. Love Skin Nashville, Nashville, TN.
The Celluma manages breakouts similar to acne, which develop on the back of my neck. With one use, it is often 50-90% better by the next day.”
Aaron Q Seibert HMC(FMF/AW) USN (ret). (Purple Heart 2006) Wounded Warrior Liaison
My clients love the Celluma! And so do I! The results I have seen in my acne clients is amazing!”
Teresa Owner, Natural Faces ~ Organic Skincare Treatments, Huntington, NY
Give Yourself theClear Skin You Deserve
Shop Acne TreatmentsBlue LED Light Therapy Acne Treatment
Acne is a persistent medical skin condition that can affect your face, chest, back, shoulders, and arms, and although it does not necessarily impact our physical health, it can absolutely take a mental toll. Acne can make us feel ugly and self-conscious, wanting to retreat in our homes and hide from the world. And although acne is totally normal and nothing to be ashamed of, it can still place unnecessary stress on everyday life.
When a particularly extreme acne breakout happens, it can feel like nothing works fast enough to get us back in the clear. LED Light Therapy for acne is a tremendous treatment option for faster results.
What Causes Acne?
Acne is an extremely common skin condition, and it affects approximately 50 million Americans every year. In fact, 3 out of 4 people aged 11-30 years, have experienced acne at least once in their lives.
Acne develops when an abundance of dead skin cells and a naturally-produced oil called sebum plug tiny hair follicles, or pores. As sebum production continues to build under the plug in the skin’s surface, it becomes infected with C. acne bacteria, causing swelling, redness, and inflammation.
Acne presents itself in many ways - whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and cysts are all common forms of acne, and each type can require a different approach for treatment. Although acne is often considered a “teenage issue,” it can occur to any person at any age for a wide array of reasons.
Why do Adults get Acne?
Although acne is typically thought to only affect teenagers and people in their early 20s, acne is actually very common in adults, as well. Some people experience acne into their 30s, 40s, and 50s, and even if they never suffered from acne as a teenager, “adult-onset acne” is a thing, typically caused by pregnancy, menopause, and other hormonal imbalances. What’s worse, women are affected by adult-onset acne much more than men. So unfair, right?
There is not one clear answer as to what causes acne in adults, but it’s believed that a variety of factors such as hormones, genetics, diet, stress, makeup, poor skin care, and other underlying medical issues can cause adult acne, just to name just a few.
What are Common Acne Treatments?
If you suffer from acne, it’s more than likely you’ve tried your fair share of treatments. From over-the-counter cleansers, creams, masks, and serums to even more extreme measures like prescription antibiotics and even Accutane. The options go on.
Dermatologists recommend that people with acne take care to wash their face twice daily with a gentle yet effective cleanser. Touching your face, over-exfoliating, and applying heavy comedogenic creams are also serious no-no’s. But beyond that? There is no one-size-fits-all approach to tackling acne, and something that works for one person might not work for another. Some people require a more specialized acne treatment “cocktail” of sorts to finally eliminate the breakouts for good. The problem is, it can take months -- or years -- to figure out which treatment, or combination of treatments, will finally banish adult acne and keep it from coming back. What’s more, conventional chemical-based acne treatments can often dry out skin and cause even more irritation, exacerbating acne breakouts and their side effects.
How can Blue Light Therapy Eliminate Acne Faster?
If you suffer from acne, it’s likely you’ve heard of light therapy, or blue light therapy as a possible solution to your acne pimple woes. LED blue light therapy is a proven acne treatment for people who have tried other acne treatments, but still aren’t seeing the results they want. Light therapy used to only be available at a dermatologist’s or esthetician’s office, but with the advent of affordable, effective, at-home light therapy device design, blue light for acne is becoming a household treatment that’s non-toxic, non-invasive, and really, really effective.
LED light therapy works by killing acne-causing bacteria at the source, deep beneath the skin’s surface. As people across the nation are searching for more natural, chemical-free alternatives to traditional medical solutions, light therapy, particularly blue light treatments, fits the bill perfectly. Blue LED light, especially in combination with red light therapy, emits specific, clinically-proven wavelengths of light to trigger an all-natural effect in human tissue, killing acne-causing bacteria, decreasing inflammation, and improving skin tone, texture, and clarity from the inside out. However, not all light therapy is created equal..
Blue and red LED light light-therapy is widely used as an effective option for the treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris. One study concluded that “…blue light and red light may act synergistically in improving acne by combining antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, rendering phototherapy with blue and/or red light an effective and safe treatment for acne vulgaris.₁
In another recent paper² which reviewed the effects of blue light therapy for acne, the Discussion portion answers the question: “What is the clinical evidence for the action of blue light in improving acne condition when compared to conventional treatments?” From the PICO research conducted in the systematic review, we found a number of scientific articles that proved the efficacy of treatments with LED and blue light devices in the effective improvement of acne and with minor or non-existent adverse effects compared to conventional treatments such as BPO.
In the articles with lower risk of bias, there was an improvement of 35.30% in acne lesions (Kwon et al. [33]) and in Papageorgiou et al. [34], there was an average improvement of 54% in acne lesions, including comedones and papules with the treatment with blue light. Although the comparative side treated with blue light, in the study by Kwon et al. [33], had an improvement of 62.30% in acne lesions, in this case, an association of a laser (1450 nm) was used, which should be used with caution for risk of causing erythema, moderate to severe pain and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation [36].
In the study by Papargeorgiou et al. [34], the red light associated with blue light had a better result in the improvement of acne lesions at first (76%), which did not occur at the end of treatment. Even so, blue light alone was also quite effective at the end of treatment, with an average improvement of 54% in acne lesions (45% in comedones and 63% in inflammatory lesions).
This result corroborates most studies that assess the effect of blue light on acne treatment and demonstrate that irradiation of Cutibacterium acnes colonies with visible blue light led to photoexcitation of bacterial porphyrins, singlet oxygen production and eventually bacterial destruction, indicating that acne can be successfully treated with blue visible light phototherapy.
It is known that the associated treatments have greater effectiveness in the outcome of acne treatment and that C. acnes, a gram-positive bacterium, can develop resistance to topical and systemic treatments commonly used in anti-acne treatment, generating global health impact [37]. Topical retinoids or benzoyl peroxide should be administered daily, which may cause skin irritation and lead to low patient support and thus promoting ineffective results. The use of isotretinoin requires rigorous professional monitoring and may result in adverse events [38]. Therefore it is essential to explore new therapeutically effective treatment models for acne.
Light therapies have emerged as an alternative that offers a unique type of treatment for acne. Currently, treatments for mild to moderate inflammatory acne include a variety of high irradiance light technologies, such as intense pulsed light (IPL) and photodynamic therapy (PDT) [39,40]. Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a non-thermal light therapy used to treat acne and other dermatological conditions [41]. Irradiation levels employed by LEDs or lasers in PBM treatments are considerably lower than in ablative treatments and work by activating biologically active photo pathways in their target tissues. To have any effect on a living organism, therapeutic photons must first be absorbed by a molecular or photoreceptor chromophore, such as porphyrins, flavins, or other light absorbers within the cell [20,21]. Therefore, dosimetric parameters must be studied and established to facilitate the work of health professionals who use these therapies as a treatment for acne.
In the Conclusions portion of this same review paper, “…, we found that blue light demonstrated improvement in the treatment of acne, especially in inflammatory lesions and seborrhea, with no significant improvement in grade 1 acne or with only comedones, and not showing scars, null or minimal side effects and that it is a safe alternative to conventional treatments. We reinforce the need for new controlled, randomized studies so that appropriate parameters are established to help healthcare professionals who offer this type of treatment to their patients and serve as a parameter for manufacturers of home-use appliances.

Why is Celluma Light Therapy for Acne Different?
Safety, effectiveness and value should always be the priority for treating nay medical conditional including acne. Celluma is FDA cleared for the treatment of acne and is one of the few professionals grade LED devices also cleared for home use.
Celluma blue light therapy for acne treatment goes above and beyond to achieve better and faster skin-clearing results. Unlike other LED devices available on the market, Celluma is flexible and conforms closely to the treatment area for optimal efficacy.
Because of Celluma’s unique ability to mold to the treatment area to improve cellular performance on a microscopic level, skin cells are able to absorb even more light energy in less time, speeding up the acne bacteria elimination and skin healing process. Because of the ability to place the device close to the skin, Celluma outperforms many even more expensive devices that cannot mold closely to the treatment area.
Celluma’s blue wavelengths kill the bacteria that causes breakouts, while reducing the inflammation, pimples and redness associated with acne. A reduction in lesions and overall improvement in skin appearance is often seen in only a matter of weeks. Of course, outcomes vary depending on severity of the acne condition and compliance to recommended acne protocols.
Not only is Celluma blue light therapy naturally effective, it’s also affordable, portable, and hands-free, making it a convenient acne treatment at home or on the go. Celluma has more FDA clearances than any other panel-style light therapy device, so you can rest assured you’re getting high-quality blue light acne treatment that’s backed by science.
Which Light Therapy Device is Best for Acne Treatment?
When it comes to selecting effective light therapy for acne, it all comes down to personal choice. Celluma offers a variety of LED light therapy devices for specific needs, budgets, and lifestyles, making advanced skin care accessible for all. And unlike other light therapy devices that require multiple panels and accessories to treat a variety of skin conditions, Celluma offers all-in-one, scientifically-backed systems that are as convenient as they are effective.
Below are the best Celluma products for acne, all clinically proven to give you a more radiant complexion:
Celluma PRO
Celluma ELITE
Celluma SKIN
Celluma LITE
Celluma FACE
Celluma CLEAR
Celluma POD
No matter the device you choose, all Celluma systems work fast to clear existing blemishes and prevent future breakouts before they happen.
Celluma light therapy is safe, effective, and all-natural, enhancing overall skin health from the inside out, bringing you one step closer to your total health and wellness goals.
In just minutes a day with Celluma light therapy, you’ll be quickly on your way to naturally smoother, more radiant skin without the use of abrasive chemicals, harmful UV rays, or negative side effects.
If you’re searching for a smarter approach to skin care, Celluma is the clear choice.
1.British Journal of Dermatology 2000; 142: 973 +/- 978.Phototherapy with blue (415 nm) and red (660 nm) light in the treatment of acne vulgaris
Unit of Dermatology, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital, DuCane Road, London W12 0NN, U.K. Adreas Sygros Hospital, Athens, Greece
2. Effect of Blue Light on Acne Vulgaris: A Systematic Review Mara Lúcia Gonçalves Diogo 1, Thalita Molinos Campos 1, Elsa Susana Reis Fonseca 2, Christiane Pavani 1, Anna Carolina Ratto Tempestini Horliana 1, Kristianne Porta Santos Fernandes 1 , Sandra Kalil Bussadori 1, Francisca Goreth Malheiro Moraes Fantin 3, Diego Portes Vieira Leite 3, Ângela Toshie Araki Yamamoto 4, Ricardo Scarparo Navarro 3 and Lara Jansiski Motta 1,* 1 Biophotonics Applied to Health Sciences Department, Nove de Julho University (UNINOVE), Vergueiro 245, São Paulo 01504-001, Brazil; dermatomara3@gmail.com (M.L.G.D.); thalitamolinos@gmail.com (T.M.C.); chrispavani@gmail.com (C.P.); acrth@gmail.com (A.C.R.T.H.); kristianneporta@gmail.com (K.P.S.F.); sandrakalil.skb@gmail.com (S.K.B.) 2 Physics Department Covilhã, Universidade da Beira Interior, 6200-354 Covilhã, Portugal; ersfonseca@gmail.com 3 Department of Bioengineering, Universidade Brasil, São Paulo 08230-030, Brazil; g.p.fantini@terra.com.br (F.G.M.M.F.); odontoportescursos@gmail.com (D.P.V.L.); ricardosnavarro@gmail.com (R.S.N.) 4 Dentistry Department, Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, São Paulo 01311-925, Brazil; a_araki@me.com