Light Therapy: A Holistic Approach to Whole-Body Wellness

August 20, 2024 Women on the beach enjoying the sunset

Light Therapy: A Holistic Approach to Whole-Body Wellness

It’s National Wellness Month, which is special for us at Celluma because our mission to make a profound impact on global wellness. So it’s the perfect time to reflect on what wellness truly means. Is it the peace you find during a quiet moment of meditation? The energy you feel after a brisk walk? Or the clarity that comes from a mind at ease?

In this article, we broaden the conversation a bit and consider wellness in terms of nurturing every aspect of our being — emotional, physical, and mental.

The Mind Body Connection

As living creatures, our physical, mental, and emotional states are tightly interconnected through biology. Awareness of how we feel at any given time is vital for our health because the mind influences the body and vice versa.

This is commonly referred to as the mind-body connection¹ – a link between a person’s thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, and physical health. Emotions affect our bodies, and our physical state can have a direct impact on our emotions. This relationship is an important concept in holistic medicine², underpinning how emotions impact our wellbeing and longevity.

Many people are keenly aware of “feel-good” neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine in our brain. Daily affirmations of gratitude, exercise, self-care, meditation, or just hanging out with an old friend can produce biochemical reactions in us that make us feel wonderful and reinforce repetition of healthy habits. Conversely, we know all know too well of easy, short-term methods to access dopamine. It’s why many of us endlessly scroll on our phones longer than we like, or experience societal addiction and substance abuse problems among friends, family, or even ourselves. The experiences we have and the choices we make in the short term will either propel us towards (or away from) living to our fullest, long-term potential.

When we are anxious and stressed out, we release cortisol and adrenaline. The fight or flight mechanism inherent to mammalian biology is a powerful energy activator and survival mechanism. Not all stress is bad, especially it can save you from a charging tiger! Aside from threats, we humans also suffer from all types of stressors, such as chronic, environmental, traumatic, psychological, physiological, and more. When stress is constant, our bodies can be bombarded with too much adrenaline and cortisol over a sustained period. This can result in an array of negative side effects. “Exposure to chronic stressors can cause maladaptive reactions, including depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, and heart disease.”³

On the physical side, we know the benefits of regular exercise, healthy food, and rest. In contrast, someone suffering from lack of sleep or fighting to overcome physical injury and ailments can face enormous hurdles to their sense of well-being.

But all is not lost. With the advancement of scientific research, medicine, technology, the internet, and artificial intelligence, we’re becoming ever more acutely aware of the interconnectedness of our minds and bodies. And through this, we are uncovering practical, natural, and safe ways to accelerate our path to healthy wellness.

Women meditating

Getting Back To Basics

So now that we acknowledge these relationships, the first step is tuning into our bodies, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes that are helping us or potentially holding us back.

For those suffering from acute illness or injury, finding a trusted physician or medical professional is a vital partner in healing and recovery.

For others who don’t require immediate medical attention, the journey to a heightened sense of wellness often begins within, starting with the basics. Eating right, drinking plenty of water, sleeping well, and getting enough light on your body are fundamental. If you’re missing any piece of the foundation, it’s nearly impossible to build upon.

Your Path to Wellness Starts Here

With a good foundation in place, the goal is always to apply our knowledge to unlock the next level of elevation to our overall health and wellness.

Physical Health

Getting a handle on our physical bodies is often recommended by healthcare professionals as the best place to start in any wellness journey.

Physical Activity

Not feeling yourself lately? Get moving! Just going for a walk outside with a friend can be the highlight of the day, boosting our mood and overall energy. In a study from the The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, “Finding consistency in an exercise routine is closely linked to levels of self-efficacy, self-esteem, and body awareness.

Of course, getting more physical requires mobility, flexibility, and freedom from physical pain. Even those most physically fit athletes suffer from chronic injuries, muscle and joint pain, cramps and stiffness. Staying active into our later years requires us to consider the same steps of self-care and self-repair that have been proven to reduce pain, often caused by inflammation and impaired circulation. Pushing yourself can take a toll, which is why athletes focus on recovery and regularly turn to remedies like ice baths, cold plunge, massage, saunas, and increasingly, red light therapy.

Physical Appearance

How often do you look in the mirror? It’s all too real for each of us that the perceptions we have of our own appearance directly influence the feelings we have about ourselves. Just ask any teenager or adult with chronic acne about their appearance and how it makes them feel. Our skin health, body weight, and hair (or lack thereof) are outward reflections of each of us. Looking good is about feeling good and appearance can make a huge impact to the level of confidence in ourselves.

Here it’s important to recognize that our perceptions may be very different than that of others, in both healthy and unhealthy ways. So, it’s equally important to acknowledge the value in reminding ourselves to love the bodies we have, and also feel comfort in knowing there are safe, natural, and effective ways to restore and rejuvenate our skin and bodies that make a lasting, positive impact in how we see ourselves as a whole.

Mental & Emotional Wellness

Disclaimer: Celluma does not claim to directly address mental or emotional health. Our products are not FDA cleared for treating mental or emotional conditions.

Our low-level light therapy products are backed by science, clinically proven, and FDA cleared to relieve pain and inflammation, improve skin clarity, kill and prevent acne, restore hair loss, shrink fat cells, and rejuvenate bodies at the cellular level.

What we observe is when the aspects of physical health begin to accelerate, it can be the key to unlocking the mind-body connection, and all the other elements can start to fall into place. The results are real, and we’re constantly humbled by the stories of each and every person’s journey to a place of rejuvenation and well-being.

We do believe that we make the best light therapy products on the planet, and are grateful for the opportunity to hear every single day about the range of positive impacts that the natural, restorative power of light has on people’s everyday lives.

Balancing the Inner Self

As your physical health improves, taking time to bring more light into your life and address self-care can positively influence your sense of well-being, helping to foster a harmonious inner state.

Time To Relax

The number one thing we hear from our customers about light therapy treatments are how relaxing the experience it is. So relaxing in fact, that many fall asleep during the first few minutes of treatment.

Self-Care Ritual

Integrating self-care practices, like focusing on skin or hair health into your daily routine, can provide a state of calm and reflection, helping you disconnect from stress, experience moments of clarity, and reconnect with yourself. Take it from us, it’s truly amazing to experience the state of tranquility from 30 minutes of absorbing light, unplugged from your phone, and how that lifts your mood and energy for the rest of your day.

Emotional Resilience

Supporting your physical and mental wellness can strengthen emotional stability, making it easier to navigate life’s challenges. Enhanced skin health or hair growth can boost confidence, further enriching your overall sense of self and well-being. Improved mobility and flexibility from reduced pain and inflammation can make exercise enjoyable again, unlocking our full potential for physical health, and boosting our self-esteem.

Physical Wellness: Healing and Recovery

Celluma Light Therapy is clinically proven to support various aspects of physical health. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain, skin conditions like acne or aging, or simply looking to accelerate post-workout recovery, Celluma’s targeted light wavelengths can make a significant impact.

  • Pain Management: Celluma's infrared light penetrates deep into tissues, reducing inflammation and alleviating pain, making it an excellent choice for those suffering from arthritis, muscle stiffness, or injury-related discomfort.
  • Skin Rejuvenation: Blue, red, and near-infrared light therapy can improve skin tone, reduce wrinkles, and treat acne by stimulating collagen production and killing acne-causing bacteria.
  • Enhanced Recovery: After intense physical activity, Celluma can speed up muscle recovery, reduce soreness, and get you back to your fitness routine faster.
Wellness image provided by Lipgloss + Aftershave

The Solar-Powered You

Just like plants, we need light to thrive! While plants rely on sunlight for photosynthesis, our bodies also require light to function optimally. Light is not just a source of warmth and visibility; it’s a crucial element that affects our mood, energy levels, and even our ability to heal. Science shows us that specific wavelengths of light offer an ever-growing number of therapeutic benefits. Celluma utilizes blue, red, and near-infrared light—the most clinically studied and proven to produce beneficial outcomes in humans (and even pets!).

Harness the Power of Light with Celluma

At Celluma, we know the secret to a happier, healthier you: light! Our light therapy products bring the sunshine indoors, giving you the benefits of natural sunlight at home:

  • Blue light dominant: Zap those zits! Banish acne-causing bacteria and reveal your clear, radiant skin.
  • Red light dominant: Turn back time! Boost collagen to smooth wrinkles and fine lines. Stimulate your hair follicles for luscious locks. Plus, shrink fat cells and lose inches off your waist, hips, and thighs.
  • Near-infrared light dominant: Feel the deep relief! Penetrate tissues to ease pain and inflammation. Say goodbye to arthritic pain and hello to a pain-free life!

Shop All Celluma Devices!


1 - Littrell, Jill. (2008). The mind-body connection: not just a theory anymore. Social work in health care. 46. 17-37.

2 - Gordon JS. Holistic medicine: advances and shortcomings. West J Med. 1982 Jun;136(6):546-51. PMID: 7113200; PMCID: PMC1273970.

3 - Chu B, Marwaha K, Sanvictores T, Awosika AO, Ayers D. Physiology, Stress Reaction. 2024 May 7. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan–. PMID: 31082164.

4 - Tikac G, Unal A, Altug F. Regular exercise improves the levels of self-efficacy, self-esteem and body awareness of young adults. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2022 Jan;62(1):157-161. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.21.12143-7. Epub 2021 Feb 8. PMID: 33555673.

5 - Gilchrist H, Haynes A, Oliveira JS, Grunseit A, Sherrington C, Bauman A, Shepherd R, Tiedemann A. The Value of Mind-Body Connection in Physical Activity for Older People. J Aging Phys Act. 2022 Jun 25;31(1):81-88. doi: 10.1123/japa.2021-0503. PMID: 35894992.

Matt Kovach