Lipgloss & Aftershave Presents a Celluma Light Therapy Webisode: Register Now!

There are so many questions and myths surrounding the science and benefits of LED light therapy that it’s difficult to know where to start. If you have ever wondered about any or all of the following questions, then you won’t want to miss this defining Webisode: What’s the difference between near-infrared, red and blue light? What are wavelengths and why are they important? What about LED for hyperpigmentation? Best positioning for superior results? How to use LED post-resurfacing? What does “power” really mean? Does FDA-clearance matter?
Get all these and more questions answered by Celluma Light Therapy inventor and BioPhotas CEO & President Patrick Johnson as he dispels the common myths of LED light therapy. Register now and join us on Monday, September 14th at 11am PST: